Prisons in many countries around the world have been characterized by not complying with minimum international human rights standards. The prisons have poor health and sanitary conditions, inadequate infrastructure, and overcrowding. In that context, international human rights courts in the Americas and Europe, as well as Constitutional Tribunals at the national level, have have held states responsible for the violation of the rights of persons deprived of liberty. Through their judgments, these courts have also promoted structural changes by encouraging states to adopt public policies that respect international minimum standards in prisons.
The Human Rights Centre's Programme for Studies on Human Rights in Context (Ghent University, Belgium), together with the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg, Germany), co-organised the event "Ius Commune Latinoamericano en Contexto" within the framework of our collaborative work entitled 'Dialogues ICCAL in CONTEXT', which is composed of scholars of both academic centres.
On this ocassion, 'Dialogues ICCAL in CONTEXT' met judges of the Constitutional Tribunal of Peru and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and had a discussion regarding problems and challenges in prisons from the perspective of international human rights standards in the Americas and Europe.
Everyone was welcome to the event.
Practical information:
Date: Monday 21 June
Time: 18-20h (Belgium) 11-13h (Peru)
Language: Spanish